Great Families/generations of love. Monday, Dec 8 2008 


Hello again, I tried to do this post when I did my last one but  it was taking so long to upload that I decided I would just come back and post.   It was another blessing to photograph these families.  I am so thankful for all these people God sends my way.  These families are beautiful inside and out.  They have a love for Jesus Christ.   I have to say if you didn’t get to come to the “Awakening Service”  this past Saturday night you missed out on a blessing from God.  Casey Johnson delivered an awesome message from God and helped us all to realize that we all need to wake up and do God’s work. 

In a nut shell, we can’t believe we are saved by just going to church.  We cannot just stop at repentance.  So many proclaim to be Christians thses days but do not stand up for what they believe in.  Society tends to make up its own rules about what’s wrong and right.  The Bible tells us what sin is and it is up to us to read the bible and spread the “Truth”.  We cannot just confess to God what we have done wrong.  We have to repent and turn away from our sin.  And don’t stop at repentance.  Don’t sit back and be deceived by the world it is up to you to do something about it.  So many people ask “why would God let that happen?”    Sometimes we let our children do things that we would rather them not or we just step back sometimes and allow them to make mistakes so that they can learn.  Sometimes parents get enough and have to stop enabling their children to do something (whether its drugs, stealing, etc) but we still love our children no matter what.  God loves us too, but we have to make the decison to live for Him.  Our salvation is up to us.  He gives us the plan of salvation and we have the choice to choose Him or not to choose Him.  Please don’t let time pass you by and choose not to accept Him.  Look at Matthew 24:12  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Don’t get cold!

I got this from God when reading my bible:  The Seven Woes:

1.  Not letting others enter the kingdom of heaven and not entering yourselves.

2.  Converting people away from God to be like yourselves

3.  Blindly leading God’s people to follow man-made traditions instead of God’s Word

4.  Involving yourself in every last detail and ignoring what is really important: justice, mercy, and faith

5.  Keeping up appearances while your private world is corrupt

6.  Acting spiritual to cover up sin

7.  Pretending to have learned from past history, but your present behavior shows you have learned nothing.

Jesus mentioned seven ways to guarantee God’s anger, often called the “seven woes”.  These seven statements about the religious leaders must have been spoken with a mixed tone of judgment and sorrow.  They were strong and unforgettable.  They are still applicable any time we become so involved in perfecting the practice of religion that we forget that God is also concerned with mercy, real love, and forgiveness. (Application Study Bible NIV)

Lord Jesus, help us all to not get cold and to spread the truth.  Help us all to lead others to you and to be Christ like in doing so.  Amen.

Thanks & God Bless!

Happy Birthday to myself and my husband today.  We thank God for each other.  I love you Sean!







Beautiful red head! Monday, Oct 27 2008 

There is just something about red heads that I love to photograph.  Look how beautiful this one is and has the most beautiful head of red hair.  I go to church with this young lady and have always thought she was beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside as well.  Her parents are the sweetist people you could ever meet.   I really enjoyed being able to photograph MS. B.  and here are a few from the session.

Wanted to say I’m sorry for the lack of posts.  Still just trying to catch up and my son had a halloween birthday party Saturday night and all the kids wore costumes.  Needless to say I was so busy trying to do everything that I didn’t get pictures so I hope my sister-in-law (my husbands sister) got some for me.  This will be the first party that I have no pictures but the best party my son has had yet.  All the kids looked so cute in their costumes; with the exception of my dauther who’s costume ended up being too small but she liked it so much and didn’t want to take it off until she spilled juice on it. She really looked cute anyway.  I tell you those costumes are sized wrong.  The size said 2-3T and she still wears 18-24mo. clothing and the thing was too small.  I wish I had a picture to show you.  It was worth the laugh.  She and I both laughed when we went to bed talking about it. 

thanks for stoping by.

Words of Wisdom:  The Lord can do great things through those who don’t care who gets the credit. (God’s Little Instruction Book for Mom).

A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit.


I give all the credit of my work to the Lord.  I couldn’t do what I do without Him. 

Lord help us to humble ourselves and put pride aside.  Help us to teach our children how to humble themselves.  Amen.

Thanks & God Bless!



Beautiful blue eyed blonde girl! Thursday, Sep 25 2008 

Gotta love those blue eyes!!!  I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful girl while she was in town visiting her family and cousins that I have photographed in the past.  I had so much fun and was able to get some of her and the cousins together although I am not posting them here.  I tell you “Girls just want to have fun.”  and that is what we did.  These are a few of my favorites.  Thanks for stopping by and sorry I am not posting as often, but just trying to catch up on proofing and orders. 

I praise God for using me to glorify Him in my work!!!

Words of Wisdom:  Your children learn more of your faith during the bad times than they do during the good times.  (God’s Little Instruction Book for Mom)

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials.


Lord, help us to teach our children to have faith in You not only during the good times but during the bad times too.  Amen.

Thanks & God Bless!


Beautiful family inside and out ! Friday, Aug 22 2008 


Me and the Gang that I forgot to post.  I have several others from previous sessions with me and the kids I have photographed that I am going to post soon that I forgot to post with their posts.



Ok I have to say that this family is just beautiful inside and out.  Can you pick out the mom and dad in the photo?  I mean it is really hard.  I know the grandmother too and if she was in the photo you would think she was one of the sisters too.  I had such a great time with them and each one is so friendly.  Mom and dad better watch out though.  I mean look and those girls and that boy, dad better be ready at the door with a stick..  These are a few from the session.   Hope ya’ll enjoy. 

Great news, Amber Tamburo is in remission and gets to come home tomorrow for a week.  Isn’t God amazing.  What a testimony!!!!  I have been believing all along that Amber would be healed.  I am keeping my faith that she will remain in remission.  Amber has touched so many through her storm and people have come to God through her storm.  I do believe we get used by God to reach others at times.

Words of Wisdom:  “Three choices a person has concerning things that bother him/her:

1. Deal with it

2. Get over it.

3. Learn to live with it.” 

—-Jack Murray

Life is really much simpler than we often make it out to be.   Whenever you have a problem, rather than agonizing over it, think about what Jack Murray says.  You can solve it, decide not to let it bother you, or adapt to it.  Sooner or later you have to do one of those things, so you might as well choose.

(John C. Maxwell:  Your Bridge to a Better Future)

Lord, help us to deal with the things that bother us in a Christ like way.  Lord help us to not blame others for our misfourtunes and to just be thankful for what we have.  Amen.

Thanks & God Bless!



Three beautiful sisters! Wednesday, Jul 16 2008 

These girls were great.  Such sweet and pretty girls to work with.  We had fun despite the heat.  The drop in humidity lately has been great.  I enjoyed every minute I got to spend with these girls.  I love to see the love shared among siblings.  Here are a few and I hope ya’ll enjoy.  Thanks for stopping by to look.

Words of Wisdom:  “Anyone who takes hope away from the young is a murderer.  It is a sin to impart your own disillusionments, to share your disappointments and to rob them of an openness to life which is the chief blessing of the young.”  —Charlie Chaplin

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

ROMANS:  8:28

LORD, help us to lead others to You so that they can see hope in any situation.  Amen.

Thanks & God Bless!

*Double click image to view more clearly*

Three post in one! Monday, Jun 23 2008 

I never post but one session at a time unless the sessions were back to back and in this case they are not.  I am just behind on my posting and am taking my husbands advice to post more than one session.  I was told that one parent is checking everyday for his so to keep from having to wait here are three posts in one.

Little Mr. D was fun again.  He wasn’t too much in the mood for being photographed but I did manage to capture some.  He let me know when he was finished with me though.  I love photographing him and can’t wait to capture him again in the fall.  Here are a few from his session and I hope ya’ll enjoy.

This family of three was so much fun and I had a great time with them.  You can just feel the love shared among them and the joy.  I felt so blessed to be able to photograph them and feel the love.  Here are a few and I hope ya’ll enjoy.  All three are beautiful children.

These two boys were great.  Mom had to do a little encouraging to get the oldest to smile and I did get just a few of him smiling.  It wasn’t hard to get the little one smiling though.  Here are a few from their session and we had a great time too.  Hope ya’ll enjoy.  Thanks for stopping by and may God Bless You.

Words of Wisdom:  The best time to give children your advice is when they are young enough to believe you know what you are talking about. (God’s Little instruction book for mom)

There is a right time for everything: A time to laugh.


LORD help us give our children good advice even though they may think we don’t know what we are talking about.  Help us to teach our children to live, love and laugh.  Amen.

Thanks & God Bless!

Brothers Sunday, Jun 15 2008 

Sorry for the delay in posting but I am just trying to move on to my next session and I am lacking on my posting.  I will try to do better.  These brothers I know would have rather been anywhere other than in Delhi having their pictures taken.  The mom had said it was like pulling teeth to get them to come.  In knowing that they didn’t want to be here I tried extra hard to make them comfortable and hope they enjoyed it rather than not enjoying it.  I was able to capture some great shots but didn’t get many smiles.  Here are a few from the session and I hope ya’ll enjoy.  Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers out there.  Hope you have a great day and enjoy time with your family.

Please be in prayer for this little one Reece Kemmerly!

I was informed of this accident about a week ago from a client of mine who is a friend of Reece’s mom.  Please remember him and the family in your prayers.  I can’t imagine being in his mom’s shoes and I know she would appreciate all your prayers.

Words of Wisdom:  No one could possibly know as much as a teenager thinks he knows…or as little as he thinks his father knows.  (mini moments for fathers)

I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity.

(1Chron. 29:17)

LORD, help us to raise our children to respect their fathers and to honor their fathers and be with the fathers and lead them to set good exapmples for their children.  Amen.

Thanks & God Bless!



A & A= two beautiful sisters Monday, May 12 2008 

I want to thank everyone that came to the trunk show.  It was great and I will be having a Matilda Jane fall trunk show in August for the new fall line.  I am so excited and can’t wait to photograph some of the kidos in their new outfits.  I am excited about the new fall line as well and I can’t wait to photograph my own daughter in her new outfits when they arrive.  I will contact everyone when your order comes in.

These two sisters are just beautiful and I had a great time photographing them.  By the end they were wearing my things and we just had a blast and cut loose.  Here are a few from the session.  Hope ya’ll enjoy.  I am now starting my list for 2009, after I book the calls from last week, I am booked for 2008 and will only be adding people to my cancellation list and for 2009.  I am not going to book into 2009 at this point.  I am going to do it as I did this year and contact everyone in late Dec. or early Jan. that is on my list and then everyone can just call and book at that point.  I look forward to new and exciting things to come in 2009 and this year is going great I am just further behind that usual.

Words of Wisdom:  Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.

Many… have done well, but you excel them all.


LORD, lead us and help us all to follow our dreams.  Help us to lead our children to follow their dreams and to know their dreams can become real as long as they keep You in their heart and soul. Amen.

Thanks & God Bless!


Tristin and Samaria Thursday, Nov 1 2007 


I  am  really  starting  to make  some  progress.   I  am  down  to  two  sessions  now, but  I  am  leaving  for  Baton  Rouge  on Friday  and  have  three  sessions  scheduled   there  before  I  return  on  Sun.   and  have  a  session  on  Monday,  so I  will be  behind  again  next  week.    My  little  girl  has  been sick  and  had  to get  a  shot  last week  and  today  was  her  best   day.    She  got  to  dress-up  in her  costume  and  go  trick-or-treating  at  our  local  churches.    She  had a  great time  and her  brother did  too.   They  were  both  on  go  due  to  all  the sugar.    After  all are  in  bed except  for  me, I  am  able  to  get  back  to work.   Hope  everyone  had a  safe  Halloween.  

These  two  are  precious.   You  can  tell  they  are loving  siblings.    I  have  to  say  that  all  the  kids did  great  and   they  did  get  tired towards the  end.    I  had  a  great  time   capturing  all  these moments  and  hope  the  parents  enjoy  these  pictures.    Siblings  are just  fun  to  photograph, you  never  know  what  you  are  going  to  see  and  get.    These  are  a  few  of  my  favorites  of these  two.   These  two   have  a  sweet nature  about  them.  Aren’t  children  beautiful!

Words   of Wisdom:    Kind  words  can be  short  and easy to  speak, but  their  echoes  are truly  endless.

What  simple  words  of  encouragement  can you  give  to your   children?

A  word  fitly  spoken is  like  apples of  gold in  pictures  of  silver.


Lord, help  us  to   say  kind words  to  our  children  and  to  give them words  of  encougagement  each  day.  Amen.

Thanks  &  God  Bless!








Here  are  all the  cousing  together.


I had  to  cage  them  up  by  the end!


The Fuller Girls! Tuesday, Oct 30 2007 


 These  two  girls  are just beautiful.  They  fight, get  along, fight, get  along,  ……..   Isn’t  that what sisters  do!   I had a great time photographing them.    These two  are  Mason’s cousins (part of the three-in-one session).   When  you get  these  two  together you never know what you  might see, and  I had a great time capturing these moments.  Bridgett, these  two  are  beautiful!    Here  are  a few favorites.   Hope ya’ll  enjoy.

Words  of Wisdom:  Tell  your  family-Y.M.T.M.-  You Matter  To Me.    Home is not given, but made.(mama’s  rules for livin).

Bridgett  I know you  have  a  lot  of faith and have been  through a lot, so this poem I found is for you.  Your girls will be saying this one day.

My Mother:

You faith in me, Mother,

Has  inspired me to be

Much more than I had planned,

Had  you not trusted me.

Just knowing you expected

Courage  from me in life

Has helped me stand my ground

When others fled from strife.

Your prayers for my success

And faith I  would arrive

Put  me  in  debt to you

As  long as I’m  alive.

Mother, I  often say,

Whether  I lose or win,

Your  faith pulled up my average

From what I might have been.

(A  gift  of joy and gladness by Perry Tanksley).

Lord  I  pray that  you  will give mothers faith in God that he will see their children through.  Amen.

Draw  near to  God  and he will draw near to you.









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